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All submission should be 250-500 words abstract summarizing the topic and scholarly significance of the work. For paper/oral presentation, all information identifying the author(s), including name(s), institutional affiliation(s), etc. must be removed. For panel/performance presentation, provide the name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of each participant/performer(s). Provide technological requirements for your presentation/performance (e.g., A/V and projector). For panels and/or group performances, permission must be secured from all participants prior to making submissions. If your submission is accepted, all conference attendees must register and plan to attend the event.

Categories of Presentations:
Three categories of presentations may be accepted.

  1. Oral Presentation 
    Oral presentations provide an opportunity for several speakers to present their findings/papers in a formal setting. Individual abstracts will be grouped with abstracts focusing on a similar topic to form asession (detailed time will be determined later). Oral presentation abstracts aresubmitted directly by the individual seeking consideration.

  2. Panel Discussion 
    A panel of three to four graduate scholars/practitioners will share differing perspectives on pre-selected topics in front of a live audience. Each panel will be facilitated by a moderator, who guides the panel and the audience through the event. Abstract (Proposals) for panel discussions should provide the names of each panel participant(s), institutional affiliation(s), indicate a clear and unified theme for the panel, and a brief abstract of each panel presentation.

  3. Performance Piece 
    A performance session is a single performance or a group of performances that total no more than 10 minutes in length. Abstract (Proposals) should provide the names of each performer, institutional affiliation, chair(s) and respondent (optional). Submissions must also indicate a clear and unified theme for the performance, and a brief a description of the performance.


Eligibility and Cost:
The conference is free to attend for everyone. All graduate students (not limited to four corners states) are eligible for the submission. The conference does NOT charge any fees for students to participate or present.

All submissions are due online on January 3, 2020, 11:59pm MT. To avoid technical problems, early submission is much welcomed. Acceptance/rejection notices will be sent directly to submitters by mid-January 2020.

[Contact Us]
If you have any questions about the conference submission process, please contact Dr. Myra Washington (Faculty Representative) at, or Christina Blankenship (Student Representative) at​

Abstract Submission: Speakers
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